How to install SOGo on Ubuntu

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SOGo is an open source collaborative software server with a focus on simplicity and scalability. It is developed in Objective-C using PostgreSQL, Ubuntu, Apache, and IMAP. It supports CalDAV, CardDAV, GroupDAV, iMIP and iTIP and reuses existing IMAP, SMTP and database servers. In addition, SOGo offers native Microsoft Outlook compatibility using the Open Change backend.

We’ll see how to install this fantastic suite in an Ubuntu 12.04Lts Server Edition. Please follow the instruction.  



* If you’re using Ubuntu Trusty Tahr (14.04) 

Step 1 :  From terminal prompt:


Step 2 :  Add the following line to your apt source list

deb trusty trusty

Step 3 : When you prefer using the nightly builds, then simply use the following line:

deb trusty trusty


* If you’re using Ubuntu Precise Pangolin (12.04)

Step 1 : From terminal prompt:


Step 2 : Add the following line to your apt source list

deb precise precise

Step 3 : When you prefer using the nightly builds, then simply use the following line:

deb precise precise


* If you’re using Ubuntu Lucid Lynx (10.04)

Step 1 : From terminal prompt:


Step 2 : Add the following line to your apt source list

deb lucid main

Step 3 : When you prefer using the nightly builds, then simply use the following line:

deb lucid main



For SOGo v3, simply add the “-v3” suffix to the http source path.

Signed builds

Since 2011-05-17

To verify their signature, our GPG public key has to be added into apt keyring.

Run the following commands:

sudo apt-key adv –keyserver –recv-key 0x810273C4

Then, update your lists of available software packages

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install sogo

From that point, apt-get should not complain about package signatures anymore.



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How to Install Memcached on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

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Install Memcached on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Memcached is a system that works to speed up virtual private servers by caching server information. It is a high-performance distributed memory object caching that caches objects for faster website performance. The program functions somewhat like short term memory for your applications. Memcached runs on Unix, Linux, Mac OS X, Ubuntu, PHP and Windows. Installation of memcached on Ubuntu 12.04 is very simple. You can see how to install Memcache on Ubuntu 12.04.

Step 1 : To make sure that all of the packages we download to the VPS are up to date. Use the following command. 

sudo apt-get update

Step 2 : You should have MySQL and PHP installed on the virtual server.

sudo apt-get install mysql-server php5-mysql php5 php5-memcache


To Install Memcache on Ubuntu 12.04

Step 1 : To install memcached via apt-get by using following command. 

sudo apt-get install memcached


Step 2 : To install php-pear, the repository that stores memcache by using following command.

sudo apt-get install php-pear


Step 3 : To use PECL (PHP Extension Community Library) to install memcached by using following command.

sudo pecl install memcache


Step 4 : Click to Enable memcache session handler support? [yes].

You have completed the installation of memcache with PECL on the VPS

Add memcached to memcache.ini by using following command.

echo “” | sudo tee /etc/php5/conf.d/memcache.ini


You can start to using Memcache.


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How to install ZPanel on Ubuntu

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How to install ZPanel on Ubuntu

Install ZPanel on Ubuntu

ZPanel is a free to download and use Web hosting control panel. It is written to work effortlessly with Microsoft Windows and POSIX (Linux, UNIX and MacOSX) based servers or computers. This solution can turn a home or professional server into a fully fledged, easy to use and manage web hosting server.

As of writing the currently release of ZPanel is 10.1.0. You can go to the ZPanel download page to find the latest version.


To Install ZPanel on Ubuntu

1) Log into the VPS as root.


2) To the update and upgrade by entering the following commands:

apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y


3) Obtain the ZPanel installer:



4) Extract the .tar.gz installer by using following commands: 

tar -xf


5) Run the installer by using following commands: 



6) Follow the on screen prompts to complete the install.


Your ZPanel Installation Complete !

screenshot_Zpanel Login


1) After installation, reboot your VPS.


2)  Go to the VPS’s IP address in your web browser you can access ZPanel.


3) The default admin login is zadmin, the password is located inside the

/root/passwords.txt file.

4) You can get the password by logging into SSH and issuing :

cat /root/passwords.txt




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How to Configuring & Customising Ajenti on Ubuntu

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Configuring Ajenti

1) To change the root user’s password to the “Configure” menu.

2) Click “Change password” on root account

3) Write a new password.

Ajenti_change password

4) You can also create a new user, Select features you would like to grant the user access.

5) Click “Create” button.

6) Set the name by clicking “unnamed

7) Writing the new name.


8) Click the icon on the left from the name to set the permissions.

9) Click “Save” on the top of the page.

Note : If you altered any other settings, also remember to apply the changes by restarting the control panel.


Customising Ajenti

You can remove widgets by grabbing from the dotted area and dragging them down.

Step 1 : Add new widgets by clicking “Add widget”

Step 2 : Drag them to the position you would like them to be

Customising Ajenti copy


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How to Install Ajenti on Ubuntu

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Ajenti is a simple, lightweight, free and open source tool with a web-based administration control panel. It allowing to manage ubuntu servers and this is similar to Webmin. Ajenti is provides fast and responsive web interface for managing small server set-ups and also best suitable for VPS and Dedicated servers. It has built with many pre-made plugins for configuring and monitoring server software’s and services such as Apache, Cron, File System, Firewall, MySQL, Nginx, Munin, Samba, FTP, Squid and many other tools like File Manager, Code Editor for developers and Terminal access.


Connecting To Your VPS

1) Establish a SSH connection to your virtual server and authenticate as root by using follownig commands

ssh root@your-ip


2) Download the latest package files by using following commands :

apt-get update


Importing the repository key

The following command downloads the key and automatically adds it to your system.

wget -O- | apt-key add –


Adding the APT repository

1) To Add the repository to your sources.list by using the following command

echo “deb main main ubuntu” >> /etc/apt/sources.list


2) Navigate to the end of the file and paste the following line

deb main main debian


3) Save this changes and Exit.


Installing Ajenti


Step 1 : Update the package sources.


Step 2 : Install ajenti package by using following commands

apt-get update && apt-get install ajenti -y


Step 3 : Start the service by using following commands

service ajenti restart


Step 4 : If you are using UFW firewall open port 8000 to enable access to the control panel by using following command

ufw allow 8000

Congratulation’s! You have successfully installed Ajenti.




Quick automatic installation then use following commands  

wget -O- | sudo sh


Related Post “How to Configure Ajenti on Ubuntu


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