How to Install Drupal Using Softaculous

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Install Drupal Using Softaculous

Hostripples offer super-easy Drupal installation using programs is called Softaculous. Softaculous is ideal for Web Hosting companies. It is used by diverse organizations, from local businesses to global corporations.

In this artical we will show you how to install Drupal with Softaculous. Please, follow these steps:

1) Log into your Cpanel.

2) You will see a page of options for your new site.

3) Click the Softaculous icon. 

See Following Screenshot : 


4) On the left hand side, you will see a list of all the programs that Softaculous has the ability to manage.

5) Scroll down the list until, you find the name Drupal in the Portals/CMS section of the menu.

6) Click the Drupal link.

See Following Screenshot : 

Drupal link-Portals-CMS

7) Click the Install tab near the top of the page.

See Following Screenshot : 

Install Drupal

8) Enter a directory where you want Drupal to appear on your website in the In Directory text box.

9) Enter a Username and Password.

Note : The username and password allow you to administer and customize your site. Choose a strong password; otherwise, you risk someone hacking your site.

10) Enter your e-mail address

11) Click the Install Drupal button.

12) Click the Finish Installation button.

You will see a confirmation screen when the installation finishes, and you will be e-mailed a confirmation that your site has been installed.

See Following Screenshot : 

Drupal-Finish Installation

13) Click the link to your site.


“Drupal has been successfully installed”

See Following Screenshot : 

my Drupalscreenshot1


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Tips For Drupal SEO Modules

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Drupal is an open source content management platform powering millions of websites and applications. Here are the SEO modules that you should definitely have installed and configured if you own a Drupal website

How you can quickly harness the power of Drupal to get your site indexed and get top rankings in Search Engines.

Tips For Drupal SEO Modules copy

Best 10 Drupal modules for website marketing

1) Page Title

You will Allows use to separate the page title from the content. The title given to a page is usually peppered with relevant keywords to attract maximum attention from search engines.

Click the Following Link and See how the page titles should be structured.

Drupal Page Title

2) Pathauto

The Pathauto module to define patterns and automatically generate URLs based on these patterns. This module helps to generate optimized URLs that are highly SEO-friendly in nature.

For example,

Pathauto helps convert a Drupal-generated URL such as “mywebsite/node/15” into a more meaningful one like ““.

Click the Following Link and See how the Pathauto should be structured.

Drupal Pathauto


3) XML Sitemap

XML Sitemap module will help search engine crawlers determine what new content is on your website, and what the paths are. Sitemaps are a listing of content on your website.

Click the Following Link and See how the XML Sitemap should be structured.

Drupal XML Sitemap

4) Google Analytics

This module will reports on who is visiting your website. You can see the top keywords for your site, your top entry and exit points, who is driving traffic to your site.

Click the Following Link and See how the Google Analytics should be structured.

Drupal Google Analytics

5) Global Redirect

Global Redirect module handles 301 redirects on your website automatically.

Click the Following Link and See how the Global Redirect should be structured.

Drupal Global Redirect

6) Redirect :

Search engines hate pages that can be accessed two or more URLs. Get rid of duplicate URLs by using the Redirect module to explicitly redirect to useful links while getting rid of 404 error pages.

Click the Following Link and See how the Redirect should be structured.

Drupal Redirect


7) Metatag :

Metatag module define metadata on your content. This module is highly recommended to have Meta Descriptions on all content on your website. This module allows you to set some meta tags for each node, view or panels page.

Website can go nowhere without “Meta tags”, “Description”, “Page Title” or “Keywords”, Drupal has you covered! Each page you create can have their own share of meta tags to rise above other competing sites.

Click the Following Link and See how the Metatag be structured.

Drupal Metatag

8) Content Optimizer :

Content Optimizer module will help monitor nodes within your site and provide useful tips on SEO best practices.

Click the Following Link and See how the Content Optimizer be structured.

Drupal Content Optimizer


9) Alinks :

Alinks module will create automatic links. Allows users to associates defined text to links. This module is based on the wordpress module “alinks”. Very easy to use, just enter your normal content and setup the terms/links you want on your site through the administration interface.

Click the Following Link and See how the Alinks be structured.

Drupal Alinks

10) SEO Compliance Checker :

This module mainly checks for on page SEO. If a publisher saves or previews a node, the module performs a set of checks and gives the user a feedback on the compliance of the rules.

Click the Following Link and See how the SEO Compliance Checker be structured.

Drupal SEO Compliance Checker


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How to setup Backup & Migrate Module on Drupal

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Setup Backup & Migrate Module

Backup and Migrate makes the task of backing up your Drupal database and migrating data from one Drupal install to another easier. It provides a function to backup the entire database to file or download, and to restore from a previous backup. You can also schedule the backup operation. Compression of backup files is also supported. The database backup files created with this module can be imported into this or any other Drupal installation with the restore feature, or you can use a database tool such as phpMyAdmin.

Migrate Module

Add private file system path

1) Navigate to Backup and Migrate

Configuration » System » Backup and Migrate

2) Click on the link file system settings

3) Enter a path to the directory where you are saving the private files.


4) Save configuration


Backup database in local folder

You can download the current Drupal Site to your local folder.

1) Select the configuration

2) Click on Backup now button
The download will start instantly.


Backup to Server

You can save the current Drupal Install to the server itself

1) Select the configuration

2) Click on Backup now button
An archived file will be saved in the server.

(You can see the saved backups under SAVED BACKUP tab)


Restore from a Backup & Migrate Archive from your local folder on Drupal

1) Go to Restore tab

2) Select the radio button Restore from an uploaded file

3) Click Choose File button

4) Select the compressed file

5) Click on Restore now button
The Drupal site will be restored


Restore a Drupal site from a Saved backup (saved in server) on Drupal

1) Go to Restore tab

2) Select the radio button Restore from saved backup

3) Select a archive which you want to restore

4) Click on Restore now button.
The database will be restored


Set up Automatic Scheduled Backups

1) Got to Schedules tab

2) Click the link Add Schedule button

3) You will be taken to the schedule configuration page.

4) Rename the schedule

5) Select Backup Source as Default Database

6) Select Enabled check box

7) Select the radio button Run using Drupal’s cron

8) Select to backup either every hour or daily or weekly

9) Select the whether to delete old backup file during the current schedule process

10) Click on Save Schedule button.

11) You can see the saved schedule under Schedules tab

12) You can also edit settings for a particular schedule by using the edit button.


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How to Back Up Your Drupal Website

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Back Up Your Drupal Website

 Drupal Website backing up involves backing up both the site’s database and its files. Just for taking file backup doesn’t help. Always take database and files backup whenever you take Drupal Website backup.




Step 1. To Back Up Your Files

1) Download all files pertaining to your Drupal website using an FTP client.

2) The illustration below shows a Drupal website installed in a sub-directory called “drupal” 

2) The FTP client FileZilla is used to download the files.

Step 2. To Back Up Your Database

1) Log in to your hosting account’s cPanel

2) Click on “phpMyAdmin” in the Databases section

3) Then click on Databases

4) Select your Drupal website’s database

5) Then click Export

6) In the following page, click Go

7) Save the file to your desired location.





Congratulations! You have now backed up your Drupal website.

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