How to Enable html view for horde?

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Login to shell using root user and follow the following steps to enable HTML view of horde webmail.
root@server[~]# vi /usr/local/cpanel/base/horde/imp/config/mime_drivers.php
Search for the line
* HTML driver settings
$mime_drivers[‘imp’][‘html’][‘inline’] = false;

and replace it with
* HTML driver settings
$mime_drivers[‘imp’][‘html’][‘inline’] = true;
Save the changes and restart the following services.
root@server[~]#service cpanel restart

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Repairing corrupted mysql database !!

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Sometimes it happens that your database get corrupted due to many reason like it does not get restored properly or server get rebooted while updating database etc…. and you have tried to repair it using phpmyadmin and it does shows that it has repaired but it is not.
Solution :
Login to server with root access
Stop mysql using following command
/etc/init.d/mysql stop
Run following command to check all teh tables in teh database
/usr/bin/myisamchk /var/lib/mysql/databasename/*.MYI
Run following command to repair all teh tables in the database
/usr/bin/myisamchk -r /var/lib/mysql/databasename/*.MYI
Then recheck again using following command
/usr/bin/myisamchk /var/lib/mysql/databasename/*.MYI
Restrart MySql service using following command
/etc/init.d/mysql restart

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Magento – “Failed to mkdir” Error

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 Magento – “Failed to mkdir” Error

Many times when you try to install a new theme or application from
“Magento Connect Manager” , you may encounter the error :

ERROR: failed to mkdir

To fix this issue follow the below steps :

root@server[#] cd /home/username/public_html/downloader
root@server[#] vi config.ini

It will show something like this :


Now make the below changes :


That’s all you are done.

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syslogd status failed in WHM

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Sometimes, you may face an issue related to syslogd showing down in service WHM >>  Main >> Server Status >> Service Status
The issue can be resolved by
Checking related RPM on server
# rpm -q sysklogd
If its not installed, you can install it by
# yum install sysklogd
after installation, you will have to restart the service by
# /etc/init.d/syslog restart
Check the service in Service Manager in WHM, reenable it and check the status in Service Status.
Its done!

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Fatal error: Unable to read 32654 bytes in /home/xxx/public_html/includes/functions.php on line 0

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For zend encoded files, you may face following error

Fatal error: Unable to read 32654 bytes in 
/home/xxx/public_html/includes/functions.php on line 0

Its most probable the related files for the script are uploaded in ASCII mode,
all encoded files must be uploaded in binary mode.

01. You need to reupload all files in binary mode,
or set the transfer mode to auto in FTP client.
02. Check if short_open_tags in set as On in PHP configuration ie php.ini
03. Check if you have updated versions for Zend optimizer or ionCube loaders.

In most cases, files reupload in binary mode resoves the issue.

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How to Remove/uninstall MailScanner !!

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To remove MailScanner and the MailScanner Front-End, run these commands in shell as root:
cd /usr/mscpanel

cd /root
tar -xzf msinstall.tar.gz
cd msinstall/
Remove the sare rules and MailScanner-specific SpamAssassin configuration files (in shell as root):
cd /etc/mail/spamassassin/
rm -fv *sare*
To remove the MailScanner Configuration icon from cPanel, go to WHM > Packages > Feature Manager. Edit the “disabled” Feature List and uncheck the box for MailScanner Configuration.
Remove the root cron jobs that run, (or rules_du_jour), and the cronjob that restarts clamd (in shell as root):
crontab -e
Remove the following lines (if they exist – they may or may not be there) from /scripts/postupcp:
perl /usr/mscpanel/
Reset Exim Configuration (if desired), in WHM > Exim Configuration Editor > Reset All Configs to Defaults. This is not required. To remove our install of clamav, run these commands in shell as root:
killall clamd

/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/bin/clam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/sbin/clam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/lib/libclam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/share/clam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/include/clam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/bin/freshclam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/etc/clamav*
/bin/rm -Rfv /var/clamd

/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/local/bin/clam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/local/sbin/clam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/local/lib/libclam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/local/share/clam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/local/include/clam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/local/bin/freshclam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/local/etc/clamav*
/bin/rm -fv /etc/init.d/clamd
/bin/rm -fv /etc/cron.daily/freshclam
/bin/rm -fv /etc/cron.hourly/freshclam
/bin/rm -fv /etc/cron.d/freshclam
In WHM > Service Configuration > Service Manager > Additional Services uncheck both boxes for clamav.
You can then install clamavconnector via WHM > Manage Plugins if desired. if you want to re-enable SpamAssassin through cPanel:
WHM > Tweak Settings > SpamAssassin > tick
WHM > Service Manager > spamd > tick both boxes
WHM > Feature Manager > Edit a Feature List > disabled > Edit > SpamAssassin and SpamAssassin Spam Box > tick
WHM > Feature Manager > Edit Feature List – edit any feature lists that you want to allow access to the SpamAssassin configuration in cPanel

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Plesk External component has thrown an exception

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Following error can come in plesk control panel while setting up/updating physical hosting for a domain in the plesk control panel…
External component has thrown an exception.
In IIS7NativeProvider module
Exception type: System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException
at _CxxThrowException(Void* , _s__ThrowInfo* )
at ServerManagerFactory.getHttpRedirectSection(String location)
at IIS7ServerManager.getSitesInfo(IIS7ServerManager* , list:allocator >* sitesInfo)
Here is the quick workaround :
Open IIS, expand sites.
In my case, I found an entry “SITE_*****” under sites which was stopped. I was not able to delete it directly from IIS. I used the following command to remove the entry from IIS.
C:\> cd %systemroot%\System32\inetsrv
C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv>APPCMD delete site SITE_*****
SITE object “SITE_*****” deleted
You need to restart the IIS.
If you still find the entry “SITE_*****” under sties in IIS, then you need to manually delete the respective entries from the applicationhost.config file.
Note : It is highly recommended to take the backup of applicationhost.config file before making any changes. You can also copy the entire “inetserv” folder as a backup.

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Inbound spam to domain/email users

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Inbound spam is the scourge of the modern internet and, the inconvenience to users aside, can cause serious performance and resource issues on the server. These can affect both the server overall and the timely deliver of clean email in particular.
The best way to tackle inbound spam is at the entry point into the server – the MTA, i.e. exim the SMTP server of choice for cPanel. By blocking spam before it has even entered the server you save both on server resources used when delivering the email in addition to 3rd party tools to help detect spam further along the email relay process.
To do this you need to do work at the RCPT stage of the SMTP protocol. This occurs during the transaction between the sender and recipient SMTP servers and comes before the actual body of an email arrives on a server. The primary form of spam attack is the Dictionary Attack:
A common technique for spammers to use is what is known as a dictionary attack on a domain. A dictionary attack, in our context, is a single SMTP connection that attempts to send email from a spam source to a random set of names on our domain, e.g., in the hope that one of the many hundreds that we try will get a hit and deliver our spam.
This technique is used by spammers mainly because most people don’t advertise their email addresses (due to spam!) and they want to access this untapped market.
To prevent this type of spam getting through, it is essential that you do not use the Default Address (catchall) feature within cPanel to receive emails wherever possible. You should always setup specific Forwarders (aliases) for any email addresses you use and set the Default Address to :fail: for each domain.
By using :fail: exim will automatically reject email at the SMTP RCPT stage and make dictionary attacks redundant. Additionally, you can use exim ACLs to block such spammers who repeatedly perform dictionary attacks to further relieve the server of the load from dealing with them
Another preventative measure is to enable the WHM options:
WHM > Exim Configuration Editor > Verify the existance of email senders.
WHM > Exim Configuration Editor > Use callouts to verify the existance of email senders.
These two options have exim check that any server that attempts to relay email to your server can actually receive email in reply. This is part of the RFC requirements of an SMTP server and the inability of a server to do so indicates a likely spammer.
There are numerous other checks that you can also perform at the SMTP RCPT stage in exim ACLs. Examples are using RBL checks to reject email from IP addresses that originate from IP addresses that are know to harbour spammers, e.g.:
deny message = Message rejected – $sender_fullhost is in an RBL, see $dnslist_text
!hosts = +relay_hosts
!authenticated = *
dnslists = :
You can also check the format of email headers to ensure that they’re RFC compliant, which many spam servers are not. A typical example is checking the SMTP HELO/EHLO protocol command to ensure it’s correctly structured, e.g.:
deny message = HELO/EHLO set to my IP address
condition = ${if match {$sender_helo_name}{} {yes}{no}}
(where is your servers main IP address)
deny message = EHLO/HELO does not contain a dotted address
condition = ${if match{$sender_helo_name}{\\.}{no}{yes}}
Finally, once the email has passed through these hoops, you can implement a 3rd party application to scan emails and tag them as likely spam. cPanel has an inbuilt solution that uses SpamAssassin to score email likely to be spam. You can then have such emails filtered to a special account or the client can filter such emails based on the email header record modifications made by SpamAssassin.
An alternative is to use a more thorough tool such as MailScanner which can be very effective at scoring spam emails.

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Access denied for user ‘mailwatch’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)

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In MailWatch I am getting MySQL Errors such as “Could not connect to database: Access denied for user ‘mailwatch’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)”. How can I fix it?
perl /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/mailwatch/install/

Above command should fix your issue.

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