How to RDP connect to windows server / VPS ?

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RDP connect to windows server/VPS


Connecting to a remote Windows server or Windows VPS from your Windows 7 PC is easy with Microsoft’s own Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) program. It is included with most versions of Windows. 


To launch RDC

Enter the following:


1) Open the Start menu of your computer

2) Search for “Remote Desktop Connection”.

Note (If you can’t find it, you can start it manually with Start > Run > mstsc.exe).

3) Enter your Windows VPS details as follows:

Computer: [IP address of your RDP VPS or Windows Server.]


4) Click Connect button

You see a message like the following.


5) Select “Don’t ask me again.”

6) Click Connect button

RDC will prompt for your password

Enter the following:


1) Type Username: Administrator

2) Type Password: Password is supplied by your Windows VPS provider.


3) Click Ok button


You should now be connected to your server’s desktop. Please take care to update your Administrator password right away!

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Important cPanel Scripts

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WHM / cPanel Scripts are located in /scripts/

/scripts/adddns – Adds a DNS zone.
/scripts/addnetmaskips – Add the netmask to all IPs that have no netmask.
/scripts/addnobodygrp – Adds the group nobody and activates security.
/scripts/addpop – Add a Pop Account.
/scripts/addservlets – Add JSP support to an account (requires tomcat).
/scripts/adduser – Add a user to the system.
/scripts/betaexim – Installs the latest version of exim.
/scripts/biglogcheck – looks for logs nearing 2 gigabytes in size
/scripts/bsdcryptoinstall – Installs crypto on FreeBSD.
/scripts/bsdldconfig – Configures the proper lib directories in FreeBSD.
/scripts/bsdpkgpingtest – Tests the connection speed for downloading FreeBSD packages.
/scripts/buildeximconf – Rebuilds exim.conf.
/scripts/buildpostgrebsd-dev – Installs postgresql on FreeBSD.
/scripts/checkbadconf – Checks /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf for bad users.
/scripts/checkbsdgroups – Checks and repairs proftpd ownership on FreeBSD.
/scripts/checkccompiler – Checks to make sure the C compiler works on your system.
/scripts/checkfpkey – Checks for the FrontPage suid key
/scripts/checkgd – Checks to see if GD is built.
/scripts/checkinterchange – (Internal use).
/scripts/checklibssl – Checks to make sure the proper libssl symlinks exist.
/scripts/checkmaxclients – Checks to see if apache has reached the maximum clients allowed.
/scripts/checkoldperl – Checks to see if the version of Perl on your system is old.
/scripts/checkrsync – Checks to make sure rsync is up to date.
/scripts/checksuexecpatch – Checks to see if mailman has been patched for suexec.
/scripts/checksuspendpages – Checks to see if suspend pages are properly named.
/scripts/checkup2date – Makes sure up2date is set up properly (RedHat)
/scripts/checkyum – Makes sure yum is set up properly.
/scripts/chkpaths – Makes sure /usr/sbin/chown has a symlink to /bin/chown
/scripts/chownpublichtmls – Change ownership of all users web space to them, which is useful for converting to
suexec. Files owned by nobody are deleted.
/scripts/ckillall – Allows you to kill a process (used like killall).
/scripts/cleanbw – Cleans up old bandwidth logs.
/scripts/cleandns8 – Clean up named.conf.
/scripts/cleangd – Cleans up old GD installs and reinstalls GD
/scripts/cleanmd5 – Fix CPAN md5 problems.
/scripts/cleanmsglog – cleans exim’s msglog
/scripts/cleanupmysqlprivs – Cleans up improper mySQL privileges.
/scripts/compilers – Disables the usage of compilers for unprivileged users.
/scripts/convert2maildir – Converts mail from mbox to maildir format and installs courier impap and pop (cpimap is
/scripts/cpbackup – Runs backups.
/scripts/distupgrade – Upgrades RedHat to the newest version (for testing only)
/scripts/dnscluster – Enables DNS clustering.
/scripts/dnstransfer – Only if the server has a DNS master (sync with DNS master).
/scripts/downgradefp – Downgrades FrontPage Extensions (to 5.0-0)
/scripts/dropmysqldb – Drops a mySQL database.
/scripts/easyapache – Upgrade Apache
/scripts/editquota – Change a users quota.
/scripts/enablechkservdwebmail – Enable service checking of webmaild.
/scripts/enablefileprotect – Protects home directories if file protection is built in apache.
/scripts/ensurepkg – Installs a FreeBSD package.
/scripts/ensurerpm – Installs a rpm.
/scripts/exim3 – Installs exim 3.
/scripts/exim4 – Installs exim 4.
/scripts/eximlocalsend – Enables/Disables exim local sending.
/scripts/eximup – Installs/Updates exim.
/scripts/findhacks – Search for common Trojan Horses.
/scripts/findoddrootprocesses – Lists root processes that may need to be checked out.
/scripts/findphpversion – Check to see if your php version file is up to date.
/scripts/fixallcartswithsuexec – Fixes permissions on carts when using suexec.
/scripts/fixbinpath – Makes sure all bin file paths are correct.
/scripts/fixbuggynamed – Updates bind to solve any problems with bugs.
/scripts/fixcommonproblems – Attempt to fix the most common problems.
/scripts/fixetchosts – Fixes problems with /etc/hosts
/scripts/fixeverything – Fix common problems and quotas.
/scripts/fixinterchange – Reinstall interchange Perl modules.
/scripts/fixinterchangeperm – fix permissions on a user’s interchange cart.
/scripts/fixlocalhostwithphp – Change /etc/hosts to work better with PHP 4.2.0 + MySQL.
/scripts/fixmailman – Updates and restarts mailman.
/scripts/fixmysql – Fixes problems with mySQL.
/scripts/fixmysqlbsd – Fixes problesm with mySQL on FreeBSD.
/scripts/fixnamed – Updates bind to handle many DNS zones (more than 512).
/scripts/fixpop – Fix a POP account and reset password.
/scripts/fixproftpdconf – Fixes problems with /usr/local/etc/proftpd.conf
/scripts/fixproftpddupes – Updates proftpd.
/scripts/fixquotas – Fix quotas.
/scripts/fixrndc – Fixes named.conf to prevent rndc staus failed.
/scripts/fixsubdomainlogs – Run if subdomain logs don’t show up in cPanel.
/scripts/fixsuexeccgiscripts – Fix CGI scripts that are broken after suexec installed.
/scripts/fixvaliases – Fix permisions on valiases.
/scripts/fixwebalizer – Repair a Webalizer that has stopped updating.
/scripts/fpanonuserpatch – Updates FrontPage extensions to include the anonymous user patch.
/scripts/ftpquaotacheck – Runs quota checking for all ftp users.
/scripts/ftpup – Updates your ftp server.
/scripts/fullhordereset – Resets Horde and displays the current Horde password.
/scripts/gcc3 – Installs gcc-3.3.3
/scripts/gencrt – Generate a .crt and .csr file.
/scripts/initfpsuexec – Enable FrontPage suexec support.
/scripts/initquotas – Turn on quota support on new drives.
/scripts/initsslhttpd – Make sure HTTP starts with SSL.
/scripts/initsuexec – Turn on suexec support if suexec is installed.
/scripts/installfpfreebsd – Installs FrontPage 5 Extensions on FreeBSD.
/scripts/installfpgentoo – Installs FrontPage on Gentoo.
/scripts/installgd – Builds GD.
/scripts/installpkg – Installs a FreeBSD package.
/scripts/installpostgres – Installs PostrgeSQL.
/scripts/installzendopt – Install zend optimzer.
/scripts/installzendopt-freebsd – Install zend optimizer on a freebsd machine.
/scripts/isdedicatedip – Checks an ip to see if it is dedicated.
/scripts/killacct – Delete an account.
/scripts/killdns – Delete a DNS zone.
/scripts/killpvhost – Removes a virtual host from proftpd.conf.
/scripts/killspamkeys – Removes a spam key.
/scripts/killsslvhost – Removes a SSL entry for a virtual host.
/scripts/killvhost – Delete a vhost.
/scripts/listcheck – Checks mailing lists for issues.
/scripts/listproblems – Lists common problems.
/scripts/listsubdomains – List subdomains.
/scripts/mailperm – Fix almost any mail permission problem.
/scripts/mailscannerupdate – Updates MailScanner
/scripts/makecpphp – Installs php.
/scripts/manualupcp – Updates cPanel manually.
/scripts/md5crypt – Encrypts a password into MD5.
/scripts/mysqladduserdb – Create a MySQL databse and user.
/scripts/mysqlconnectioncheck – Attempts to connect to MySQL, restarts SQL if necessary.
/scripts/mysqldeluserdb – Delete a MySQL database and user.
/scripts/mysqlpasswd – Change MySQL password.
/scripts/mysqlup – Updates mySQL.
/scripts/newexim – Installs the latest version of exim.
/scripts/nofsck – Make fsck always use -y
/scripts/nomodattach – Removes mod_attach from httpd.conf.
/scripts/nomodauthmysql -Removes mod_auth_mysql from httpd.conf.
/scripts/nomodbwprotect – Removes mod_bwportect from httpd.conf.
/scripts/nomodgzipconfmods – Removes mod_gzip from httpd.conf.
/scripts/nomodperl – Removes mod_perl from httpd.conf.
/scripts/park – Parks a domain.
/scripts/patcheximconf – Fixes exim.conf.
/scripts/perlinstaller – Installs perl.
/scripts/phpini – Create a php.ini file.
/scripts/proftpd128 – Installs proftpd-1.2.8.
/scripts/quickkernel – Updates your kernel.
/scripts/quicksecure – Quickly kill useless services.
/scripts/rebuildcpanelsslcrt – Rebuilds the cPanel SSL Certificate.
/scripts/rebuildcpusers – Rebuilds /var/cpanel/users.
/scripts/rebuildetcpasswd – Rebuilds /etc/passwd.
/scripts/rebuildeximbsd – Rebuilds exim on FreeBSD.
/scripts/rebuildhttpdconffromproftpd – Rebuild httpd.conf from the proftpd.conf file.
/scripts/rebuildnamedconf – Restore named.conf from files in /var/named.
/scripts/rebuildproftpd – Restore proftpd.conf from httpd.conf.
/scripts/reinstallmailman – Reinstalls mailman.
/scripts/reseteximtodefaults – Resets exim’s default settings.
/scripts/resetimappasswds – Resets all imap passwords.
/scripts/restartsrv – Restart a service.
/scripts/restartsrv_apache – Restart apache.
/scripts/restartsrv_bind – Restart bind.
/scripts/restartsrv_clamd – Restart clamd.
/scripts/restartsrv_courier – Restart courier imap.
/scripts/restartsrv_cppop – Restart cppop.
/scripts/restartsrv_entropychat – Restart entropy chat.
/scripts/restartsrv_exim – Restart exim.
/scripts/restartsrv_eximstats – Restart exim statistics.
/scripts/restartsrv_ftpserver – Restart your ftp server.
/scripts/restartsrv_httpd – Restart httpd.
/scripts/restartsrv_imap – Restart impad.
/scripts/restartsrv_inetd – Restart inetd.
/scripts/restartsrv_interchange – Restart Interchange Shopping Cart.
/scripts/restartsrv_melange – Restart melange chat.
/scripts/restartsrv_mysql – Restart mysqld.
/scripts/restartsrv_named – Restart named.
/scripts/restartsrv_postgres – Restart postgresql.
/scripts/restartsrv_postgresql – Restart postgresql.
/scripts/restartsrv_proftpd – Restart proftpd.
/scripts/restartsrv_pureftpd – Restart pure-ftpd.
/scripts/restartsrv_spamd – Restart spamd.
/scripts/restartsrv_sshd – Restart sshd.
/scripts/restartsrv_syslogd – Restart syslogd.
/scripts/restartsrv_tomcat – Restart tomcat.
/scripts/restartsrv_xinetd – Restart xinetd.
/scripts/restoremail – Restores a user’s mail.
/scripts/runstatsonce – Runs statistics (should be used from the crontab).
/scripts/runweblogs – Run analog/webalizer/etc. for a user.
/scripts/safeyum – Runs yum safely.
/scripts/setupfp – Install FrontPage 3 on an account.
/scripts/setupfp4 – Install FrontPage 4 (2000) installer on an account.
/scripts/setupfp5 – Install FrontPage 5 (2002) installer on an account.
/scripts/setupfp5.nosueuxec – Install FrontPage 5 (2002) installer on an account when not using suexec.
/scripts/unsetupfp4 – Removes FrontPage 4 or 5 from an account.
/scripts/unsuspendacct – Unsuspends an account.
/scripts/upcp – Updates cPanel.
/scripts/whoowns – Finds out who owns a domain.
/scripts/wwwacct – Creates an account.

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Benefits of Using a Virtual Private Server

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What is a Virtual Private Server ?

VPS hosting is a web hosting solution where in virtualized servers are deployed to give user a grass root-level access over their servers, while sharing bandwidth, CPU, and RAM with other users. Virtual private servers provide the performance of a dedicated server running on a machine located in a shared environment. Through root access, customers get the full control of the server just like a dedicated server. 


1)  Shorter deployment time for new servers:

 – No procurement of hardware

– Resources virtual server pool are allocated

– Multiple servers created from same image

– Reduced staffing time required to deploy a new service

– Server deployment time shortened to less than a day


2) Scalability and Flexibility:

– Virtual resources can be quickly added to increase the capacity

– You buy only what you need

– Adding vCPUs and RAM is as simple as a reboot

– Additional disk space can frequently be added on the fly

– Move data from a slow storage tier to a faster one without disruption to services

– Reduced need to over-build a server “just to be safe”, saving money and power.


3) Simplifies Development and Testing Environments:

– Virtualization reduces the costs of running separate development, staging and production environments

– Development servers may be created from production images with no downtime

– Quickly modify, test and deploy images into production, speeding up the development cycle

– Decommission development and staging environments when no longer needed, further reducing costs.


3) It’s Green – Save on Power, Space, and Cooling:

– Virtual server units dramatically reduce the physical space, power, and cooling compared to their physical counterparts

– Reduced consumption of power and cooling and saves money too.


4) No physical server upgrades and maintenance:

– No scheduled downtime to perform hardware upgrades, replace failing components or replace aging hardware

– Seamlessly migrate to a different server , perform preventative maintenance and even completely refresh the hardware.


5) Hardware Fault Tolerance:

– Virtual infrastructure is built with fault tolerant components (redundant power supplies, storage and network connections), in the event a host should fail, virtual servers are automatically migrated and restarted using spare capacity in the data center.


6) Simplified Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity:

– Virtualization software can replicate virtual machines to a remote data center

– Disaster recovery and business continuity plans are relatively standard and do not require custom engineering for each physical system and application.


7) Leverage other benefits of the data center:

– 24×7 staffing, precision power and cooling, enhanced security and encrypted tape backups.

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How to Choose Email hosting services

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How to choose email hosting services: 

When you sign up with any company, it is important to take a free trial period with them to see how well they perform. You can read online reviews about company or follow client feed-backs and testimonials to find out which are the most reliable companies for hosting email services.

Benefits of email hosting services:

  • Costs: It is very cost-effective to hire professionals because they can spare you the trouble of spending additional resources on installing mail servers and maintaining technical teams to run them. Email hosting also provides businesses with a far more credible image because email addresses bear the business domain name.


  • Security: Email hosting solutions will also give secure access to clients through POP or IMAP. All traffic is well encrypted like passwords and usernames when these are sent from clients to servers for authentication. The more reputed providers will support popular mail clients like Outlook Express and Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, Apple Mail etc. Some providers even support Linux clients and pocket PCs and PDAs. Email hosting plans will therefore ensure that mail services take place in a safe and efficient manner.


  • Disk Space: You are get adequate storage space when you sign up with an email hosting solutions provider. While some will offer MB storage, there are others who may offer GB storage per mailbox. Those companies with flexible email hosting plans will provide you with even more space if you need it through easy upgrades.


  • Spam Protection: Email hosting solutions will also effectively block malware and spam. They will have innovative filtering methods like white-listing and blacklisting, allowing users to make configurations which can automatically send these spam mails to quarantine folders instead of the inbox.


  • Address Book: Most email hosting service companies will provide both Public and Shared address books with access to the public network directories. These advantages of email hosting suggest that when your business is not being able to control the message infrastructure, it makes sense to call in the professionals and hire an email hosting provider.

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How to Choose the Best VPS Hosting?

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A virtual private server will be the right platform for people who are looking for hosting server which is reliable and stable to support their growing business. You can consider VPS hosting similar to dedicated server hosting but with few minor difference.

Virtual private server ( VPS )is a single server that uses a single hard drive various hard drives that has been divided for specific users. Every VPS user has different OSs allowing changes to be made without influencing other users file and data.


VPS_Hosting copy

1) Ram: RAM is most important factor when it comes to choosing VPS hosting. Even some people consider RAM as the only factor when it comes to determine the best VPS hosting. Because in VPS hosting your RAM will be used to run your operating system and as well as your server – it means that you’ll be using more RAM for your website as compared to shared hosting.

2) Managed or Unmanaged: VPS hosting comes with both managed and unmanaged tags. In shared hosting, you don’t get root access to the server and hence the question of managing the server does not arise.But when it comes to VPS hosting, the whole virtual server is handed over to you. So, there needs to be somebody to look after it and monitor its performance. If this is taken care of by your VPS provider, then it is called managed VPS, whereas in unmanaged VPS you need to take the responsibility of your server all by yourself.

3) Bandwidth: Bandwidth is always in our list when it comes to choose web hosting for our websites. Every web hosting service providers offer unlimited bandwidth, so it is very important to find out what unlimited really means.

4) Price: VPS hosting is considered to be a very affordable option, if you are looking for quality. When you are looking for long term success then you’ve to cut your pockets. Because quality always comes with higher price.

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How to install WebCalendar using Fantastico

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Install WebCalendar

1) Open your control panel. then Login to cPanel

2) Click on Fantastico

3) Click on WebCalendar from the list

4) Click on Install to begin the installation process

5) Choose the domain name from the drop down menu

6) Choose the directory you want WebCalendar to reside under

7) Fill in the admin username and the password

8) Choose the nickname under which you’ll be posting and fill in your email address

9) Fill in all other necessary fields

10) Click install – on the next screen click finish installation and you’re done.

11) After the installation completes, you can click on the link to visit your WebCalendar installation.

12)  you’ll see this error:

My Calendar Error
Error removing temporary file.
The permissions for the following directory do not support the db_cachedir option in includes/settings.php:

The setting for db_cachedir will be set to /tmp by default:

db_cachedir: /tmp

You’ll want to change this to your cPanel user’s /tmp directory by editing this value to:

db_cachedir: /home/userna5/tmp

13) Then just click Save

14) Now try to access your WebCalendar install again, you should see the month display by default.

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