How to Setup Minecraft on a Linux CentOS Server

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Setup Minecraft on a Linux CentOS Server




* First, To download PuTTY to access SSH.


* Installing Minecraft by using following command: 

yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk


* Switch to the root directory by using following command:



* Create a Minecraft directory

mkdir minecraft


* Enter the directory by using following command: 

cd minecraft


* Download Minecraft by using following line 



* Now, Using Following Scripts 

chmod +x minecraft_server.jar
yum install screen


* Then, Start up Minecraft

java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui




** To close PuTTY and keep Minecraft running.:

Control + a + d


** To get back to the screen where Minecraft is running hold the following keys on your keyboard:

screen -r



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  • First, Installing Java-JDK by using following command: 

yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk

  • If have check Java was installed then you can use following command:

which java

  • The following command will be displayed if it was properly installed:


  • Switch to the root directory by using following command:


  • Create a Minecraft directory, using following command:

mkdir Minecraft

  • Now, Enter the directory:

cd Minecraft

  • Download Minecraft:


Minecraft is now installed.



  • You’ll now need to install “screen” to keep the Minecraft server running after the SSH session is closed, you can use following command.

yum install screen

  • Use the screen and run Minecraft. Enter screen:


  • Start up Minecraft

java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui




  • To get back to the normal screen, press these keys:


  • To get back to the screen where Minecraft is running:

screen -r


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