How to access WHM on a Cloud VPS

WHM (Web Host Manager) is cPanel’s server administrative management software. All customers on a Cloud VPS hosting package can access their WHM (Web Host Manager) interface by opening
Where is your actual domain name.
* If your domain is not yet pointed to your VPS, you will be able to access the VPS via its server name.
* When you access WHM, you will receive a warning about the SSL certificate used. The reason for the warning is that by default cPanel uses a shared self-signed SSL certificate. You can safely accept the certificate – the connection will still be secure.
* Next log in to your WHM
Note: You will be asked for your WHM login credentials.
1) The WHM username is your cPanel username.
2) The WHM password is your cPanel password.
That’s it! You will be able to manage your Cloud VPS.
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