How to Install phpmyadmin on centOs 7

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phpmyadmin on centOs 7 

phpMyAdmin is an open source tool used for the administration of MySQL. phpMyAdmin depends on the LAMP stack. It requires Apache2 or any compatible web servers, MySQL and PHP. This post will show you how to install phpmyadmin on centos 7.


Installation : 

Step 1 : 

Download epel-release-7-x.noarch.rpm

Step 2 :

Install epel-release-7-x.noarch.rpm file

Step 3 : 

Copying the rpm link by using follownig command

[root@hostripples ~]# rpm -ivh

Step 4 : 

Now, update repositories by issuing follownig command

[root@hostripples ~]# yum check-update

Step 5 :

Install phpmyadmin package along with dependencies

[root@hostripples ~]# yum -y install phpmyadmin

When you are finished

Step 6 :

Open /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf file and edit as follows and Find follownig lines.

Note : ( you are found these line 2 times )

# Apache 2.4
Require ip
Require ip ::1


Replace with


# Apache 2.4
# Require ip
# Require ip ::1
Require all granted

Step 7 :

Then, Restart Apache service by using following commands

[root@hostripples ~]# systemctl restart httpd.service

Step 8 :

Now open http://serverIP/phpmyadmin in your browser.


Congratulations! You have just installed phpMyAdmin on your CentOS 7


You can login using root as username and mysql root password.



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How to Install Node.js On CentOS 7

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Node.js is an open source, cross-platform runtime environment for server-side and networking applications. Node.js applications are written in JavaScript and can be run within the Node.js runtime on OS X, Microsoft Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, NonStop, IBM AIX, IBM System z and IBM i.


Install Node.js From Source


The following steps to install Node.js From Source

1) Open a new terminal tab on your CentOS 7 machine.

2) Run the following command to download the archive file which we need to use for the installation.


3) Eextract the tar file

tar xvf node-v0.12.0.tar.gz

4) Use the following command to change the working directory to node.

cd node-v*

Before compiling our code we need to install some packages in our CentOS machine that will help us to do so.

1) Opened tab of your terminal enter the followings.

sudo yum install gcc gcc-c++

2) Wait for these packages to install

3) Run the following commands to configure and compile


Don’t worry if the above takes some time to complete because the compilation will take awhile.

4) Use the following command to install Node.js on your system.

sudo make install





Once the installation is finished


You can start using Node.js and to make sure that the correct version is installed you can use the following command in order to check it.

node –version





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