How to Find Out the Owner of a Domain

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Selecting the perfect domain name is important for the success of your website. After considering and identifying a suitable name, you can check the availability for registration. If in case it’s already taken then check out the owner of the domain. In the article, we will write the process of checking domain availability, locating the owner of a domain, and explaining its importance.

Look over the Domain Availability and Find the Owner

To identify the availability of a domain, you can use domain registration platforms or registrars. This service gives authority to search for a particular domain name and determine its availability for registration. If the domain is already taken, it’s important to understand who wants it before you give your final call.

The WHOIS database maintained by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) includes information about domain owners. The WHOIS lookup tools provide access details like the registrant’s name, contact information, and registration dates. This information helps to track the owner’s name and explore the possibilities for getting the domain.

Read: How to Fix Error in WordPress, “Sorry You are Not Allowed to Upload this File Type”

Check how to find the Owner of a Domain

The most common method is by using a WHOIS lookup tool. WHOIS is like a phonebook for domain names, containing publicly available information about a domain’s registrant, which is the person or organization that owns it.

Below is a quick guide on how to find the owner of a domain using a WHOIS lookup tool:

  1. Go to a WHOIS lookup tool: Many WHOIS lookup tools are available online. Some popular options include GoDaddy, Namecheap, and
  2. Search for the domain name: Enter the domain name you’re interested in into the search bar of the WHOIS lookup tool.
  3. Detect if the contact information is private: In some cases, the domain owner may have chosen to use a privacy protection service to hide their contact information. In this case, the WHOIS lookup will show generic contact information for the privacy protection service.
  4. Find registrant contact information: If the contact information is not privatized, the WHOIS lookup will display details such as the domain owner’s name, organization name (if applicable), email address, and physical address.

It’s important to note that the accuracy of WHOIS information can vary, and some domain owners may choose to keep their contact information private.

WHOIS information is only as current as when the domain owner updated their registration details.

Even if the WHOIS information shows a name and contact details, it’s not always a guarantee that this is the actual owner.

If you’re unable to find the domain owner through a WHOIS lookup, you can try searching for the domain name on the website itself. Sometimes, contact information for the website owner may be listed on an “About Us” or “Contact Us” page.

Read: How to Terminate a cPanel Account in WHM

Additional Methods to Identify the Domain Owner

Besides the standard WHOIS lookup, here are some other methods you can try to identify a domain owner:

  • Contact the Domain Registrar: A WHOIS lookup might reveal the domain registrar instead of the owner’s details due to privacy protection. However, the registrar’s information is usually available. You can find the registrar’s contact details on their website and try to reach out to them. Further, you have to explain why you’re looking for the owner and see if they can help to forward your message.

  • Specialized Domain Lookup Services: Some services offer more comprehensive information on domain ownership compared to a basic WHOIS lookup. These might include historical registration of data, ownership changes, and contact details even if privacy protection is enabled. Further, these services often come with a subscription fee.

  • Domain Ownership Databases: Public and private databases are collected and aggregate domain registration information. These can be a good resource to find ownership details, though some information might be limited or require a paid subscription.

  • Look for Contact Information on the Website: Sometimes, the website itself might have a contact page or an email address listed. This is especially true for businesses or organizations that want to be reachable by their audience.

  • Use Search Engines: Try searching for the domain name or keywords related to the website content. You might find social media profiles, news articles, or other online references that mention the owner or contact details.

  • Social Media Profiles: Check social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter to see if there are profiles associated with the domain name or the website’s content. You might be able to find the owner’s identity or a way to contact them through their social media presence.

Remember that not all these methods are guaranteed to succeed, and some might require more effort than others. The best approach might involve a combination of these techniques depending on the specific domain you’re researching.

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How to Fix Error in WordPress, “Sorry You are Not Allowed to Upload this File Type”

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When you try to upload a file to your WordPress Media Library, there is the possibility that you may get an error, “Sorry, you are not allowed to upload this file type.”    

When you try to upload a file to your WordPress Media library, library, there are chances you will get the error.  

In WordPress, the file types allowed are:

  • Images Extension Supported: .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .gif, .ico
  • Documents Extension Supported: .pdf, .psd, .xlsx, .odt, .ppsx, .pps, .pptx, .docx, .doc
  • Audio Extension Supported: .mp3, .wav.ogg
  • Video Extension Supported: .webm, .flv, .mp4, .svi, .nsv

If you type extensions apart from this, then you will get an error message highlighting, “Sorry, you are not allowed to upload this file type.”

Method 1: Edit wp-config.php (Advanced)

To successfully upload, you have to follow these steps, Site Tools > Site > File Manager and thenedit the wp-config.php file for your WordPress site. It is located in the public html folder.

Now, above the line, “That’s all, stop editing! It’s time to publish the post. Type the command mentioned below:


Now, save all the changes to your file and this will allow you to upload the desired file from your WordPress wp-admin > MediaAdd New.

Method 2:

Double-Check the File Extension:

Sometimes the error appears even for allowed file types if the extension (like .jpg for jpeg images) is misspelled. Make sure the extension on your file matches the actual file type.

Change File Format (if applicable):

If the file type isn’t crucial, consider converting it to a format that WordPress allows. Like, you can convert a PNG image to a JPG.

Use a Plugin (for more control):

Plugins like “File Upload Types” let you add new file types to the list of allowed uploads in WordPress. This gives you more control over what can be uploaded but remember only to enable trusted file types.

Contact Hosting Provider (for Multisite or Server-side issues):

If you’re on a WordPress Multisite network, specific upload settings might be configured. Contact your hosting provider for assistance in such cases. They can also help diagnose if the issue lies with your server’s MIME type settings.

Wrapping Up

Remember, for security reasons, it’s suggested to remove that new line you have inserted in the wp-config,php after uploading the given files. This is important from a future point of view, as you need to upload more then you can insert the line again.

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How to Terminate a cPanel License

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cPanel license is important as it helps us to deal with cPanel. A cPanel license is permission to use the cPanel & WHM software on a server. cPanel stands for “Control Panel” and WHM stands for “Web Hosting Manager.” This software duo provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for managing various aspects of your web hosting, making it easier to handle tasks like:

  • Setting up domains and subdomains
  • Creating email accounts
  • Managing databases
  • Uploading and managing website files
  • Security controls

How cPanel licenses work:

  • Required for Functionality: You need a separate cPanel license for each server you plan to run the cPanel & WHM on. Without a valid license, the software won’t function.
  • Purchasing Options: You can buy cPanel licenses directly from the cPanel store or through authorized resellers like web hosting providers
  • License Tiers: cPanel offers tiered licenses based on the number of accounts you can manage on the server, ranging from basic plans for a single account to enterprise-level options for hundreds of accounts
  • Free Trial: Luckily, cPanel offers a free 15-day trial license to test the software before committing

Terminating a cPanel license involves canceling it through your cPanel Store account. Check how to do it:

  1. Log in to your cPanel Store account.
  2. Navigate to the “Manage Licenses” section.
  3. Find the specific cPanel license you want to terminate in the list.
  4. You’ll see a menu icon under the “Actions” column (often represented by dots or ellipses). Click on it.
  5. From the menu, select “Cancel“.
  6. A confirmation window will pop up. You’ll have the option to provide a reason for cancellation (optional).
  7. Confirm the cancellation by clicking “Yes“.

Important points to remember:

You can only cancel licenses through the cPanel Store account. Canceling a license after the initial 72-hour purchase window won’t grant you a refund. The license will stay active until the end of the billing month.

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How to Update the Plugin Manually via FTP

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This article considers the steps to update the plugin manually via FTP. Manually updating a plugin via FTP involves replacing the old plugin files with the new ones on your web server. It’s useful when the automatic update in the WordPress dashboard fails.

Downloading the New Plugin Version:

  1. Find the latest version of the plugin you want to update. You will get it from the plugin’s official website or the WordPress plugin directory.

Using an FTP Client:

  • You can download and install an FTP client like FileZilla if you already don’t have one.
  • Next, you can use your FTP credentials (host, username, and password) to connect to your web server. These can be found in your web hosting provider’s control panel.

Backing Up and Replacing the Old Plugin:

  • Here, you have to navigate > /wp-content/plugins/ directory within your server’s file structure.
  • Then, you have to locate the folder for the plugin you want to update.
  • Here’s where you create a backup: Right-click on the plugin folder and choose “Rename.” Add “-old” to the end of the folder name (e.g., “my-plugin-old”). This creates a backup in case you need to revert to the previous version.
  • Now you can delete the original plugin folder.

Uploading the New Plugin Files:

  • Now, on your local computer, you have to locate the downloaded folder containing the new plugin version. 
  • In your FTP client, go to the local files section (usually on the left side) and browse to the new plugin folder.
  • Here, you have to right-click on the folder and select “Upload” to transfer it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory on your server.

Activating the Updated Plugin:

  1. To activate the plugin, you have to log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Move to the “Plugins” page.
  3. You will see the newly uploaded plugin listed as inactive.
  4. Find the plugin and click “Activate.”

Optional: Cleaning Up

  1. Once you’ve verified the updated plugin that works properly, you can go back to your FTP client and delete the old plugin folder (the one renamed with “-old”) if you don’t need it anymore.

Remember: Updating plugins via FTP bypasses the WordPress update process, so the plugin’s database entries might not be automatically updated. If the plugin requires database changes, you need to follow additional instructions provided by the plugin developer.

It’s generally recommended to update the plugins through the WordPress dashboard whenever possible, as it’s a simpler and safer process. But in case of issues, manually updating via FTP can be a helpful alternative.

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How to install JetBackup for WordPress?

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Installing JetBackup for WordPress depends on whether you want the free or paid version:

Free Version:

To get the free version check these steps below:

Log in to your WordPress Admin Dashboard.

Navigate to “Plugins” > “Add New“.

Search for “JetBackup for WordPress” in the WordPress Plugin Repository.

Click “Install Now” and “Activate Plugin” once the installation is complete.

Paid Version:

To get a paid version of JetBackup for WordPress, check these steps below:

If you have the Free Version Installed, you have to uninstall it by logging into your WordPress Admin Dashboard > “Plugins” > “Installed Plugins”, look for “JetBackup for WordPress” and click “Deactivate” then click on “Delete”.

Next, log in to the JetApps Client Area, and navigate to “Services”. “My Services” {JetApps Services Page}, click on the corresponding “JetBackup for WordPress” license then click download.

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How to restore a Full cPanel Account using JetBackup 5

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Before starting the article please make note of the possible consequences when restoring Full Account Backups:

  • Service downtime: Your cPanel account will be pulled down and re-developed during this restoration process. Based on the total size of your account, you can expect interruptions for a few minutes up to one hour.
  • Viable data loss: All websites, primary domains, addon domains, aliases, and associated databases will get restored, just select the date and time. Any changes done after that time will get lost.
  • Viable email loss: All email accounts will be restored to the selected date and time. If any email is received after that selected time will be lost.

Check the below steps to restore a Full cPanel Account using JetBackup 5

You have to log in to your cPanel.

    After logging in browse the Files section and tab on jetBackup5

    Under the “Restore & Download section, the tab “Full Backups

    Next, you have to select the backup for the folder that you like to restore (sorted by date), then click the Restore button.

    In the fifth step, you have to tab the Restore Summary screen, where you’ll see the selected backups to restore the items To Restore, then click Restore Selected Items.

    Now, you have to wait for Queue to complete the restoration job, the ‘Completed’ status will be shown when the restore process is completed.

    In the bottom line, “Processing… state, the backup will get downloaded from the backup server, and your account will be pulled down and re-developed, rendering your account inoperable for some time. You have to keep patient.

    Let’s learn the Queue statuses:

    The queue status “Pending” indicates the server is waiting for the restoration task to be processed.

    The queue status “In Progress” indicates that you need to wait, and avoid any actions inside the cPanel account, till the restoration is done.

    The queue status “completed” indicates that the restoration has been successful. If you have shown the queue status “Failed”, you have to try another date or contact their support team.

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    How to Fix the Error While Starting a New VPS?

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    This document will help to learn the techniques to overcome the errors that come when starting a new VPS. VPS is an excellent option when it comes to speed, scalability, and execution. Usually, when your website swells a shared hosting plan, you need to upgrade it to a VPS hosting plan. There are several ways to tackle an error when starting a new VPS. Here’s a breakdown of some key steps:

    Part I

    1. Identify the culprit:

    Error message: The first step is to examine any error messages displayed during startup. These messages often pinpoint the problem area.

    1. Resource limitations:

    Check resource allocation: Make sure your VPS has enough CPU, RAM, and disk space to run the chosen operating system and applications. You can usually adjust resource allocation through your VPS provider’s control panel. If resources are limited, consider an upgrade or optimizing resource usage.

    1. Network blues:

    Inspect network configuration: Verify that your VPS has the correct network settings, including IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and DNS servers. However, incorrect settings can prevent the VPS from starting properly.

    1. Delving deeper:
    • Access console (if available): Some providers offer a console where you can see detailed boot logs that might reveal the startup issue.
    • Examine logs: System logs often contain valuable information about errors during startup. The specific location may vary depending on your provider and operating system, but commonly they reside in the /var/log/ directory.
    1. Seeking help:

    Contact VPS provider: If the above steps don’t solve the problem, contact your VPS provider’s support team. They have access to specific details about your VPS configuration and can offer tailored guidance.

    Remember, these are general steps. The specific troubleshooting process might differ depending on the error message and your VPS provider’s setup.

    Part II

    While working with this process you will come across an error as mentioned below- “setlocale: No such file or directory error: failed to connect to the hypervisor error- Failed to connect socket to ‘/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock’: No such file or directory”

    Follow the steps mentioned below to overcome the error:

    1. Firstly, you have to monitor the server status.

    2. Then, run the below command to monitor the server status:
    systemctl status libvirtd.service

    3. If the server fails or stops, the below status will be seen:
    <strong><em>systemctl start libvirtd.service</em></strong>

    4. After running this command, you have to start the VPS server from the admin panel and you will see the error has been eliminated.

    In conclusion, troubleshooting steps can be taken to resolve errors encountered when starting a new VPS, ensuring a smooth and successful setup process.

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    How to Enable LiteSpeed Web Cache Manager on cPanel?

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    LiteSpeed is a built-in caching engine that allows to boost website performance. This guide will describe the steps to enable LiteSpeed web cache manager in cPanel.Initially, you have to log in to your cPanel account with a username and password.

    1. Initially, you have to log in to your cPanel account with a username and password.

    2. Once you have logged in to your cPanel the cPanel dashboard will be shown, scroll down and go to the Advanced section > LiteSpeed Web Cache Manager.

    3. After logging in, you have to click on the WordPress cache icon.

    4. The next step is to click on the Scan button. This will highlight all the active WordPress installations.

    5. Eventually, once all the WordPress installations are discovered, you have to select the ones you want to activate and then click on Enable.

    This is how you can implement these steps to use LiteSpeed web cache manager for WordPress sites on your cPanel server.

    In conclusion,

    enabling LiteSpeed Web Cache Manager on cPanel can significantly enhance website performance and speed, ultimately improving user experience and search engine rankings.

    By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, website owners can harness the power of caching to optimize their site’s performance.

    Embracing LiteSpeed Cache can lead to tangible benefits, such as reduced server load and faster page load times. Stay ahead in the digital landscape by leveraging this powerful tool to deliver a seamless and efficient web experience for your visitors.

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    How do I Create and Delete Cron Jobs/?

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    In this guide, you will find a technique to delete and create Cron jobs in cPanel and with Crontab. Check the two main ways to create and delete cron jobs:

    1. Using cPanel:

    cPanel is a web hosting control panel that allows you to manage your account. Most web hosting providers offer cPanel access. Here’s how to create and delete cron jobs using cPanel:

    Creating a Cron Job:

    1. Log in to your cPanel account.
    2. In the “Advanced” section, click on the “Cron Jobs” icon.
    3. Under “Cron Email,” ensure a valid email address is entered to receive notifications about cron jobs.
    4. You can either choose a predefined schedule from the “Common Settings” dropdown menu or set a specific schedule using the individual time unit dropdown menus (Minute, Hour, Day, Month, Day of Week).
    5. In the “Command” field, enter the exact command you want to run at the scheduled time. This could be a script path or a specific command-line instruction.
    6. Click “Add New Cron Job” to save the cron job.

    Deleting a Cron Job:

    1. Within the “Cron Jobs” section of cPanel, scroll down to “Current Cron Jobs.”
    2. Locate the cron job you want to delete.
    3. Under the “Actions” column, click “Delete.”

    2. Using Crontab:

    Crontab is a command-line utility for managing cron jobs on Linux/Unix systems. If you have direct access to the server shell, You can use crontab commands to create and delete cron jobs.

    Creating a Cron Job:

    1. Open a terminal window.
    2. Use the following command to edit your crontab:

    crontab -e

    This command will open your crontab file in a text editor. Be cautious while editing the crontab file, as syntax errors can prevent cron jobs from running.

    • In the opened editor, add a new line with the cron expression followed by the command you want to run. The cron expression defines the schedule for the job.

    For reference, you can find cron expression examples online

    • Save and close the editor.

    Deleting a Cron Job:

    1. There are two ways to delete cron jobs using crontab:
    2. Delete all cron jobs:

    crontab -r

    • Delete a specific cron job:

    This method involves editing the crontab file and removing the specific line corresponding to the desired cron job. However, this might be not easy to identify for beginners. An alternative way is to:

    1. Use crontab -l to list all your cron jobs.
    2. Copy the remaining lines (excluding the one you want to delete) into a new file.
    3. Delete the old crontab using crontab -r
    4. Edit the new file containing the desired cron jobs (remove unnecessary lines).
    5. Use crontab – to install the new crontab containing the filtered jobs.

    Remember, using crontab requires some familiarity with the command line and cron expressions. If you’re unsure, it’s recommended to use cPanel for managing cron jobs on your web hosting account.

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