How to enable register_globals for a single website without putting an entire server security at risk?

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How to enable register_globals for a single website without putting an entire server security at risk?

* Go to your control panel and then click on File manager.
* In your file manager, enter the public_html folder.
* In the public_html folder you will see a file called .htaccess.
* Select  the .htaccess  file and click on edit in the upper right hand corner.
* Copy and paste the text line shown below at the bottom of .htaccess file and then save it:
php_value register_globals 1
This will turn your register_globals on and your script will work properly. Why is register_globals
disabled in the first place? Leaving register_globals turned on poses a security risk for an entire web
server. It should therefore only be enable on a case by case situation and only per website.

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cPanel backend configuration files and Log Files Paths

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cPanel backend configuration files and log files paths
accounting.log – Contains a list of accounting functions performed such as account removal and creation
cpanel.config – Tweak settings for whm can be done in this file
mainip – Main ip of the server is specified in this file
maxemail – Maximum emails per hour for a domain can be specified here The format is like the following domainname=number
Run the script /scripts/build_maxemails_config after editing this file This will create a file named after the corresponding domain name inside the directory maxemailsperdomain with the value specified in it.
Maxemailsperhour – Server wide maximum emails per hour can be set in this file. It applies to the whole domains in the server. You only need to insert the corresponding value in the file. A value of zero means unlimited.
Resellers-nameservers – This file gives you the name of the nameservers used by reseller users
resellers – This file lists the privileges of different reseller users
packages/ – This directory contains files for all the packages created under the WHM and the corresponding files will give all the details related to that package
suspended/ – This directory contains files for all the suspended users. You can get the
reason for suspension from the corresponding user file.
Users/ – This directory contains cpanel user files which contain all the information
related to a cpanel account.
Zonetemplates/ – This directory contains templates for zone files, which will be used for creating zone file for a particular domain when a user is created
bandwidth/ – This directory contains files named after the domain names which give separate http and all bandwidth usages for a particular day
datastore/ – This directory contains sub directories named after the cpanel user name which contains two files named mysql-db-count and mysql-disk-usage .These files give you the number of databases a user have and the total disk space used by all these databases respectively.
localdomains – This file contains domains which are using the local mail server.
remotedomains – This file contains domains which are using a remote mail server instead of the local mail server
userdomains – All the domains of users are listed in this file including the addon, parked and subdomains along with their username.
trueuserdomains – The main domains of all cpanel uesrs are listed in this file along with their username
trueuserowners – All cpanel users along with their owners are listed in this file
wwwacct.conf – This is the default file used in cpanel account creation Information from this file is taken when an account is created
mailips – The ip which should be used for sending mails can be specified in this file Different ips can be set for different domains for sending mails and that can be specified in the file like the following domainname: ip address
ips – This file lists all the ips in the file except the main shared ip
ips.dnsmaster – This file lists all the ips of nameservers used by different domains
ipaddrpool – Lists the ip addresses in the server which are free
cpupdate.conf – Cpanel updation configuration can be done in this file Once you edit this file do not forgot to run the script /scripts/upcp
cpbackup.conf – Cpanel backup configuration can be done in this file You can enable or disable cpanel backup using this file.
Valiases/ – Email forwarders and catchall for a domain can be specified in the corresponding file inside this directory.
The format is like the following *: accountname
vfilters – Email filters can be specified in the corresponding file inside this directory.
bin/ – Cpanel binaries are located in this directory
version – You can get cpanel version from this file
logs/ – All log files of cpanel are located inside this directory.
They are
error_log – cpanel logs any error it incurs in this file
license_log – All cpanel license update attempts are logged in this file stats_log – The stats daemon logs the output from all
the status generators like awstats, webalizer.
access_log – General information pertaining to cPanel requests is logged in this file
base/ – Files of phpmyadmin, webmail etc are located in this directory
3rdparty/ – Files of mailman, fantastico etc are located in this directory
Important Log Files
/usr/local/apache/logs – It is the main log for apache
/usr/local/apache/domlogs/ – Domain specific logs are located inside this directory
/usr/local/apache/logs/access_log – This log records all requests processed by the server
/var/log/exim_mainlog – An entry is created inside this log every time a message is received or delivered
/var/log/exim_rejectlog – An entry is created inside this log every time a message is rejected based on either ACLs or other policies
/var/log/exim_paniclog – An entry is created inside this log when exim doesn’t know how to handle an error
/var/log/messages – General information and login attempts of FTP are logged here
/var/log/secure – General information and login attempts of SSHD are logged here
/var/log/maillog – The IMAP, POP, and SpamAssassin services all log here. This includes all general logging information (login attempts, transactions, spam scoring), along with fatal errors.
/var/log/mysqld.log /var/lib/mysql/$(hostname).err – Mysql general informations and errors are logged in either of these two files
/var/log/chkservd.log – The service monitoring daemon (chkservd) logs all service checks here. Failed services are represented with a [-], and active are represented with [+]
/var/log/cron – An entry is created in this file when a cron is executed
/var/log/messages – General informations and errors of named are logged in this File
/var/log/dcpumon/toplog.[timestamp] – This log lists the top processes running Each five minute a new log is created
/usr/local/apache/logs/suexec_log – This log file contains auditing information reported by suexec each time a CGI application is executed.
/var/log/cpanel*install* – These log files contain verbose logs of the cPanel installation.
/var/cpanel/updatelogs/update-[timestamp.log] – It is the log file for upcp. Log entries are created when upcp runs

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SMTP error 535 authentication failed in roundcube OR SMTP Error (435): Authentication failed

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If you face SMTP error 535 Authentication Failed while sending an email from round cube, then you can check the following things.
vi /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/roundcube/config/
and change
$rcmail_config[‘smtp_user’] = ‘%u’;
$rcmail_config[‘smtp_user’] = ”;
Save the file

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sendmail: Not running with correct effective GID. Is sendmail binary setgid mailtrap?

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sendmail: Not running with correct effective GID. Is sendmail binary setgid mailtrap?
[Error above error message shows in login SSH screen directly or you are getting this message]
just change the send mail permission using below command:

chmod 2755 /usr/sbin/sendmail
That’s it..:)

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WordPress : error_logs file does not generate the error logs

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WordPress issue :
If plugin or theme is not compatible then sometimes site shows blank page and error_logs file does not generate the error logs, then need to enable the WP_DEBUG in wp-config.php file. After enabling this function, it will show an error on the site and it will find out which is the problem plugin or theme.
Syntax :
define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true); — to enable
define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false); — to disable
If ‘WP_DEBUG line does not exist inside wp-config.php the add it after define(‘DB_COLLATE’, ”); line. After disabling the problem plugin/theme you need to make define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true); to define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false); .

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Missing mysql.sock file on server.

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Some times,  MySQL service doesn’t work due to missing mysql.sock file , then you need to create manually mysql.sock file. Follow the below steps to create mysql.sock file.
First, login your server and check /tmp and /var/lib/mysql , you may see that there is no mysql.sock file(It is called also Symbolic file).
Follow the below steps.
cd /var/lib/mysql/
touch mysql.sock
chmod 1777 mysql.sock
chown mysql.mysql mysql.sock
Create a symlink for the sock file :-
ln -s /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock /tmp
Once created, then restart Mysql service : service mysql restart
Your Mysql service should be back normal now.

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Mysql Database size shows 0 in cPanel

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Some times , database size doesn’t update in Cpanel . You can check it through Cpanel===> MySQL database ,  it shows database size “zero” even if there is available database data. You should follow below steps to resolve this.
root@server [#] vi var/cpanel/cpanel.config
and search for following line.
disk_usage_include_sqldbs=0 ( set it to 1 instead of 0 )
then you need to  run the below command to update the changes.
root@sever[#] /scripts/update_db_cache
then you check your mysql database site, it will show correct database size,

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Warning: POST Content-Length of in Joomla.

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Some times, you get below error while posting in Joomla . 

“Error  : Warning: POST Content-Length of 9897293 bytes exceeds the limit of 8388608 bytes in Unknown on line 0″
then you need to increase  “post_max_size”  in php.ini file
post_max_size =8M
Replaced with as per your require.
post_max_size = 12 M
then check it.

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Install LiteSpeed on Cpanel server .!!!

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Following post discuss how to install Install LiteSpeed  on Cpanel server.

Login to SSH on the server running cPanel.
# cd /usr/locel/src
# wget
# chmod 700
# ./
# rm -f
Register for 15days trial license:
* Login to WHM and click the ‘LiteSpeed Web Server’ button.
* Click ‘Install LiteSpeed’ and let it run through the installation procedure.
* Enter your license information & assign an administrator password (Don’t tick the box to start LiteSpeed immediately)
* Click ‘Build matching PHP Binary’
* Click ‘Switch to LiteSpeed’
* Click ‘Admin Web Console’ and login
Final stages of setup
* Configuration > General > Index Files > Edit
Set the following and save.
Index Files: index.html, index.php, index.php5, index.htm
Auto Index: Yes
Auto Index URI => /_autoindex/default.php
* In SSH Type:
# ln -sf /usr/local/lib/php/autoindex /usr/local/lsws/share/autoindex
* Configuration > Log > Server Log > Edit
Set the following:
Log Level: Info
Debug Level: None
* Now click ‘Actions > Graceful Restart’ to make these changes permanent.
Please note that port 7080   should be enabled in the firewall

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Enable PHP4 for single domain !!

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If your server is running with default php version 5 and you want php 4 for single account so you just can add the following line in .htaccess.
Create one .htaccess file under public_html and add the following code.

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php4 .php

now you can create phpinfo page and check it will show your default php version is php4.

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