How to install WebCalendar using Fantastico

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Install WebCalendar

1) Open your control panel. then Login to cPanel

2) Click on Fantastico

3) Click on WebCalendar from the list

4) Click on Install to begin the installation process

5) Choose the domain name from the drop down menu

6) Choose the directory you want WebCalendar to reside under

7) Fill in the admin username and the password

8) Choose the nickname under which you’ll be posting and fill in your email address

9) Fill in all other necessary fields

10) Click install – on the next screen click finish installation and you’re done.

11) After the installation completes, you can click on the link to visit your WebCalendar installation.

12)  you’ll see this error:

My Calendar Error
Error removing temporary file.
The permissions for the following directory do not support the db_cachedir option in includes/settings.php:

The setting for db_cachedir will be set to /tmp by default:

db_cachedir: /tmp

You’ll want to change this to your cPanel user’s /tmp directory by editing this value to:

db_cachedir: /home/userna5/tmp

13) Then just click Save

14) Now try to access your WebCalendar install again, you should see the month display by default.

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Simple way to protect SSH against or not protect against

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Protect SSh

SSH will protect against

Seven important steps to Secure Shell protects against (again, from the README)

Step 1) Eavesdropping of data transmitted over the network.

Step 2) Manipulation of data at intermediate elements in the hosts.

Step 3) IP address spoofing where an attack hosts pretends to be a trusted host by sending packets with the source address of the trusted host. Ssh even protects against a spoofer on the local network, who can pretend he is your router to the outside.

Step 4) DNS spoofing of trusted host names/IP addresses, where an attacker forges name server records

Step 5) IP source routing, where a host can pretend that an IP packet comes from another, trusted host.

Step 6) Interception of cleartext passwords and other data by intermediate hosts.

Step 7) Attacks based on listening to X authentication data and spoofed connection to the X11 server


SSH will not protect against

Secure Shell will not help you with anything that compromises your host’s security in some other way. Once an attacker has gained root access to a machine, he can then subvert ssh, too.

Step 1) Incorrect configuration or usages.

Step 2) A compromised root accounts.

Step 3) Insecure home directories: if an attacker can modify files in your home directory (e.g. via NFS) he may be able to fool SSH



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SSH Connection Sequence

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The following series of events help protect the integrity of SSH communication.

SSH Connection Sequence

1) A cryptographic handshake is made with the server

2) The connection between client and remote server is encrypted using symmetric cipher

3) Client authenticates itself

4) Client can now interact safely with remote server over encrypted connection



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SSH – Secure Shell – What is it ?

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SSH stands for Secure Shell and is a secure method of accessing remote systems. Wit SSH, you can login to your Linux or Unix shell command prompt and execute commands as if you were sitting right in front of the server typing at the console. SSH has a wonderful feature called SSH Port Forwarding, sometimes called SSH Tunneling, which allows you to establish a secure SSH session and then tunnel arbitrary TCP connections through it. Tunnels can be created at any time, with almost no effort and no programming, which makes them very appealing. SSH Port Forwarding can be used for secure communications in a myriad of different ways.


What is SSH?

1) The Secure Shell

2) It is a protocol not a product

3) Software based approach to network security

4) Encrypts the data sent between the computers

5) Client/Server architecture

6) Comes with all Linux distribution, Mac OS X, AIX, Sun Solaris,OpenBSD and other Unix variants

7) Ported to other operating systems, such as Windows, Palm OS,
Amiga, etc.

8) Other clients, such as, scp, sftp, etc. are also available

9) Replacement for telnet, rlogin, rsh, rcp, ftp, etc

What SSH is Not?

1) It is not a true shell like csh, ksh, sh, etc.

2)It is not a command interpreter

3) It creates secure channel for running commands on remote

4) It is not a complete security solution

5) It will not protect against trojans, viruses, etc

SSH Advantages

1) IP source routing

2) DNS Spoofing

3) Data manipulation at things like routers along the network.

4) Eavesdropping or sniffing of the transmitted data.

5) IP address spoofing

Benefit of SSH Tunneling

There are several benefits to using SSH:

1) Connection to a server from behind a firewall when the server port is blocked.

2) Automatic authentication of users, no passwords sent in plain text to prevent the stealing of passwords.

3) Multiple strong authentication methods that prevent such security threats as spoofing identity.

4) Encryption and compression of data for security and speed.
Secure file transfer.

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How enable HTML files to display php code

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 When writing content for your site, you typically store them in either html or php files. The basic files, particularly on Linux servers like the ones used for our hosting accounts, are either generally either html (files ending in the extension .html or .htm) or php (files ending in the extension .php) files. HTML files are created with markup tags and these files are not processed or parsed by the server. Php files, on the other hand, are parsed and processed by the server before being displayed in html format to the client browser. Php is a programming style language used to create pages that are processed and served from the server. Php files can always read and display HTML code, but HTML does not automatically parse php code. To do so, you will need to make adjustments to your .htaccess file.  enable_Html_file copy 

 Enable HTML files to display php code

1) Log into your cPanel

2) Using the File Manager, navigate to the root folder for the domain you want to work with

3) Set the Show Hidden Files option as you will be working with the .htaccess file

4) If there is not one for the domain, you will need to create a new one

5) Edit the file by highlighting the file

6) Click on the Edit icon from the toolbar at the top of the page

5) This brings you to the cpanel file editor. You will want to insert the following line of code at the top of the .htaccess file.

AddType application/x-httpd-php5 .html .htm .php

6) Then, Click the Save Changes button in the upper right corner of the screen.

7) You are now able to place php code sections into your html files and have them display.

8) Look at the before and after shot to see how the code affects a page with php in it.


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What is PHP?

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What is PHP? 


 PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. In an HTML document, PHP script (similar syntax to that of Perl or C ) is enclosed within special PHP tags. Because PHP is embedded within tags, the author can jump between HTML and PHP (similar to ASP and Cold Fusion) instead of having to rely on heavy amounts of code to output HTML. And, because PHP is executed on the server, the clientcannot view the PHP code.

PHP can perform any task that any CGI program can do, but its strength lies in its compatibility with many types of databases. Also, PHP can talk across networks using IMAP, SNMP, NNTP, POP3, or HTTP.

How to update  PHP version? 

1) To update Apache’s instance of PHP, run the /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/phpup script from the command line.
2) To change the version of Apache’s instance of PHP, run EasyApache in WHM (Home >> Software >> EasyApache (Apache Update)) or run the /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/easyapache script on the command line.
How do I update the instance of PHP that cPanel uses?

1) The system uses RPM to update PHP. For more information, read the rpm.versions documentation.

If I install a custom instance of PHP, will it work with cPanel & WHM?

The system uses RPM to update PHP. For more information, read the rpm.versions documentation.

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What is suPHP ?

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What is suPHP ?


suPHP is a tool for executing PHP scripts with the permissions of their owners or a program that controls who can access certain files. All scripts executed on the server need to be authorized to run on the server. This enhances security by not running scripts as the web server user (nobody) or as root. So even if there is a vulnerable php script installed, it can at most execute with the permissions of the non-privileged user you choose for it to use.

PHP scripts are interpreted by suPHP and suPHP then calls the php interpreter as the specified user and interprets the scripts as that user.

1) Log into the WHM

2) Go to Main » Software » EasyApache (Apache Update).

3) Leave Previously Saved Config checked and select Start Customizing Based on Profile.

4) For security reason we recommend selecting the latest versions of Apache and PHP on the next three steps unless you have good reason to stick with an older version.

5) will have a screen with quite a few options on it, the one we are concerned about is the second option SuPHP. Tick the checkbox here, scroll down

6) click Save and Build.

Why use suPHP?

 suPHP is of great importance to ensure a safe environment for running applications and to make PHP-based applications such as Drupal more user-friendly. To be specific, users install or upload any template via Drupal without suPHP, their template files can be edited or deleted by any user at random. But for scripts equipped with a suPHP server, their template files are owned by the account holder and admin user.

Moreover, as most of the third party applications ask for some certain folders to have the permissions of 777, hackers with the 777 permission are able to upload malicious files into user’s account which probably affects the security of the files. As to suPHP users, there is no need to have the 777 permissions and an automated error message will appear when somebody tries to approach the file through 777 permissions.


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How to force www or non-www in your .htaccess file in cPanel

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Force www or non-www in your .htaccess file in cPanel

Step 1:  Log into your cPanel.

Step 2: Find the Files category and click on the File Manager icon.


Step 3 : A popup box will appear. For the primary domain, click on the Web Root radio button. For addon domains, click on the dropdown and find your desired addon domain name. Be sure the checkbox next to Show Hidden Files is checked.

Step 4 : Click the Go button to enter the File Manager.

Step 5 : You should now be in the root folder of the domain you chose. Look for the .htaccess file and right click on it. This brings up a menu.

Step 6 : Find and click on the Edit option. If you get a popup box, simply find and click the Edit button in the lower right corner to continue to the editor.

 Step 7 : You are now in the text editor. Place either selection of code in the file and click on the Save Changes button at the top right corner of the screen. Be sure to replace ‘‘ with your actual domain name.

NOTE: Do not place both selections of code in the file as it will cause an error.

    #Force www:
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301,NC]

    #Force non-www:
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.example\.com [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301]

 Step 8 : Once you insert the code, click on the Save Changes button in the upper right corner to save the code change. You can now type your domain name either with or without the www and it will display in the address bar in the format you have set the code for.



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Redirect domain to subdirectory without changing URL

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The simple way to redirect your primary domain to a sub folder without change the URL


A)  Redirect and keep everything after the URL

Show all of the same content on one URL as you would another.

Example, if you just changed your domain to, but you still have plenty of visitors coming to, you would use this to show them all of the existing content that is located on the new domain, without the need to update both websites.

You would modify your .htaccess file for the domain that your users will go to, and insert these lines of code:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^
RewriteRule ^(.*)$1 [P]

If you are using the file manager in cPanel, be sure that you have the option to show hidden files selected.

What does the above redirect do?

Adding this line into your .htaccess file, you will be able to go to and it will show the content from

B) Redirect a domain to a specific url

If you want visitors to go to with a specific page in mind when doing so, you may use this code:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^
RewriteRule ^(.*) [P]

Example, you had an external blog such as one on or maybe a shopping cart on that you want people to visit your domain without fully hosting the domain there. Now, visitors can access your site using your domain, but see the content of an external URL.

C)  Re-directing an IP address

The following code shows how this can be done in the .htaccess file.

# Redirect all IP address (replace the ## with the IP address numerals) to same
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^##\.##\.##\.##
RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L]
Stipulations / Please read

Note: If using the first option, search engines such as Google or Bing will see multiple sites with the same content and can cause ranking drops in one, or both of the sites. From an SEO standpoint, your best option is to create 301 redirects instead.


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